My PPL Journey

Learning to fly, one lesson at a time

PPL Lesson #11: Yet more circuits

2022-09-05 PPL Lessons

Very quick last-minute lesson this morning as part of my pre-solo sign-off requirement of flying with another instructor. The best thing to come out of today is that I can say that box has been ticked.

The schedule got bumped around a bit today due to impending bad weather, and I ended up flying an hour earlier than planned with only a 30-minute lesson rather than the usual 90 minutes. I’m grateful to have gotten those 3 circuits in, but I felt a bit rushed - we only had 20 minutes in the air today - and I never really settled.

We had just enough time for 3 circuits: started with a non-planned go around due to unstable approach, followed by 2 normal landings that were okay but not great. Allowed myself to fly through the centreline on base (thanks to the almost perfectly perpendicular crosswind) and still need more practice on the smooth round out.

27m added for a total of 9h 38m. Next lesson is in a weeks’ time. Fingers crossed for better weather (and technique).