My PPL Journey

Learning to fly, one lesson at a time

PPL Lesson #12: First Solo!!!

2022-09-12 PPL Lessons

Thankfully today’s lesson definitely served its purpose of letting me get back on the horse and find my groove…

So much so that we got to what I thought was the end of the lesson and just as I was about to request taxi clearance my instructor said “I’ve said absolutely nothing for at least half those circuits and only had minor suggestions for the others. Do you fancy doing one more on your own?” 😲 😰

I felt… ready. The circuits today weren’t perfect, but I was totally in control for all of them, each one got incrementally better, and the bloke in the right seat was telling me he thought I was ready too, so off I went.

It seemed like I had all the time in the world in the circuit, not least because I was almost at circuit height as I completed the turn onto crosswind thanks to the lighter load. I remember remarking how oddly calm I felt as I went through the same old routine and brought it around for probably my smoothest landing of the day.

1h10m added today: 1h dual, and 10m solo. I think that puts me at 10h38m dual and 10m solo time total. Now I just need to work out how to properly note P1 under supervision in my logbook :D