My PPL Journey

Learning to fly, one lesson at a time

PPL Lesson #14: Steep turns and spiral dives

2022-09-23 PPL Lessons

The weather was fully IMC when I woke up this morning and I felt pretty sure I wasn’t getting off terra ferma today. Thankfully the weather continued to improve as the day wore on and we took off into scattered cloud for some steep turn and spiral dive exercises.

We started with recovering from spiral dives, just in case I accidentally induced one during an attempted steep turn. Like spin recovery I found this at least a little exhilarating - probably something to do with pulling a bit of additional G.

That continued into steep turns left and right with normal entry and then, since it was introduced as primarily an avoidance manoeuvre, fast entry as though reacting to a potential airprox incident. More G, more fun. Definitely found rolling out bang on intended heading more of a challenge, but mostly made it within ±10°.

Had a bit of a brainfart on returning to the circuit. First time rejoining the circuit for a few lessons and I think the first time for 07, which at Blackbushe means right hand circuits. Very nearly flew over the wrong end of the runway attempting to join from deadside as my feeble brain failed to process that would mean I was already on the live side and that the circuits would be left hand rather than right hand. Instructor caught it and we flew parallel on the deadside and then over the 25 numbers. Next time I just need to be more deliberate in thinking through what the circuit information I’d been given means in terms of approach.

Thankfully that was the low point of the day, and I managed a good touch and go followed by a nice smooth landing.

Added 50m dual for today, which puts me at 12h21m dual and 15m solo. Nest lesson will be PFLs or solo consolidation depending on the weather.

Oh, and I’ve properly started on Met and Nav this week, and got myself an ebay-special used package including chart, ruler, protractor and whizz wheel to mess around with for the practical planning side of things.